Thursday, December 29, 2005

21 sms

Kegilaan seirang ahli matematika Anthony Hopkinsdan putrinya, Gwyneth Paltrow, dalam film PROOF. Saksikan di 21 CIneplex kesayangan anda, 19-11-05

Just Like Heaven; Mark Ruffalo, arsitek lajang ygjth cinta pd hantu cantik Reese Witherspoon. Saksikan mulai 26/11/05 di 21 CIneplex kesayangan anda

The Descent; Saksikan sekelompok ekspedisi wanita yg saling membalasdendam terperangkap dlm gua dan berhadapan dg Gollum. Mulai3 Des di 21 Cineplex

Luther; mengenai seorang mahasiswa hukum, Luther, yg gtg ke Roma dan menghadapi kekuasaan luarbiasa saat itu. Saksikan mulai 10 Des di 21Cineplex

Saksikan perjuangan seorang pemuda latin utk dapat bergabung dan diakui klub bola kesayangannya,Newcastle United, GOAL! Mulai 24 Des di 21 CIneplex


How happy I am
Finally I can insert picture in my blog.
Baru kuketahui kalo picture posting trouble itu akibat pemakaian sbrowser yg tidak kompatible dengan blogger.
Yang kompatibel itu Internet Explorer.
Jadi from tomorrow I will be posting everything
That's it for now.............
Bye Bye

pIcture posting

Dear Friends

Thank you for the greeting via sms.
Here's the complete list :

Merry X'mas ya. Semoga damai dan berkat Natal beserta kita

Ris slmt hari natal ya ...

Dear friends, wishing u a merry christmas -pipiet-

Selamat Natal dan Thaun Baru... May you have the greatest Christmas at the moment and hopefully the new year will be better than the past.. GBU (Dina)

"MerRY x'M@a 05" sMOGa k@sih Nat@l m'baWa keDaMaian baGi kiTa sEmUA...

May the joy and peace of christmas always be with you. I hope that your christmas is happy every minute with lots of laughter, fun & good times. Merry Chrsitmas #ria#

Merry Christmas. WIsh you all the best. May the joy of christmas day be with you for all the time =dewilestari=

1 day b4 Dec 25 , 1 day b4 the lines get jammed, 1 days b4 every1 opens their presents.Let me b d'1st 2 say "Merry X'mas" & Happy Prosperous2006. Andrew A Susanto

Selamat Natal semoga damai sejahtera natal menyertai selalu

Selamat Natal '05 dan Tahun Baru '06 kiranya damai Natal selalu ada di dalam hati kita & sukses di tahun yg baru. Tuhan memberkati . (Kel. Nahuway - Simatupang)

‘,☼, Christmas
,%%/;. Is near
,%/%%%;. And its
#☼”iii”☼# coming

be MERRY … .. be HAPPY

JESUS loves U forever!
(K Martha)

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

December Post

This is my Desember post.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Consenting Adults

Directed by Alan J. Pacula
Actor : Kevin Spacey, Kevin Kline
Actrees : Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
Comment : Ordinary movie with an extraordinary cast and story.
Rate : 6/10

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Cool Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Secretary

Last night I just saw "The Secretary", a movie starred by Maggie Gyllenhall and James Spader. It is really a good movie. It's about a woman named Lee Holloway (Maggie), who takes a job as a secretary in a local law firm. Her boss, Mr. Grey (James), is making her obsessively crazy about him. She finally had to break her relationship with a nerdy boyfriend that was going to marry her, and going straight up to have Mr. Grey. At last, she finally did it.
My rating : 7 / 10

Friday, May 20, 2005

My 2nd posting

Wah ini sekarang gue lagi nyobain posting something di blog g ini.
Mumpung lagi gak ada orang, g lagi pake komputer g sendirian di kantor gue,
lah buat ngedit end posting nih blog. tunggu aja ya blog gue yang berikutnya
karena pasti seru and surprising.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

aris lg bt

lagi bete euy siang2 di kantor